(universal naming convention) A network resource name for a share point on a server, consisting of the string

\\<server name>\<share point name>

As opposed to a resolved drive letter such as S:, a UNC name is usable without alteration from any task on any computer that has access to the share point.

A mapping of most known language characters to a set of 16-bit values. Unicode is a worldwide encoding standard and is used exclusively by Windows NT at the system level. See also DBCS.
uninitialized state
A condition in which a form's storage object is available only for write access; read access is prohibited. A form is placed in the uninitialized state from the time of its creation until it has been loaded with default or supplied data. See also normal state, no-scribble state, hands-off state. For more information, see Form States.
unresolved recipient
A messaging user or distribution list that has not been assigned an entry identifier and an address for a particular messaging system. See also name resolution, resolved recipient.