A message store container object that holds messages and other folders. MAPI folders implement the IMAPIFolder : IMAPIContainer interface. See also header folder, IPM subtree, receive folder, root folder, search-results folder.
folder form library
A form library that supplies forms to a particular folder. Forms installed in a folder form library are available to every user of that folder. See also application form library, personal form library.
foreign system
An X.400 messaging term indicating a messaging system outside the messaging domain of the local X.400 network.
A MAPI object that enables a user of a client application to interact with a message of a particular message class. User interaction is controlled by a form server application and is based on MAPI properties corresponding to controls on the form. Form objects implement the IMAPIForm : IUnknown and IMAPIFormInfo : IMAPIProp interfaces.
form activation
The process of starting a form server to enable a user to work with a particular form within a client application.
form configuration file
A configuration file that defines a form and provides information for installing it into a form library using the IMAPIFormContainer::InstallForm method. Form configuration files must have the .CFG filename extension. See also File Format of Form Configuration Files.
form container
A MAPI object that stores form definitions. A form container can be used to locate a form definition and to activate the appropriate form server. Form containers implement the IMAPIFormContainer : IUnknown interface. See also form resolution.
form library
A form container as seen through the user interface (UI). MAPI distinguishes several types of form library, including the application form library, folder form library, and personal form library.
form library provider
A MAPI service provider object that manages one or more form libraries. Like most service providers it is a dynamic-link library (DLL). Form library providers implement the IMAPIFormContainer : IUnknown, IMAPIFormInfo : IMAPIProp, and IMAPIFormMgr : IUnknown interfaces. See also form.
form resolution
The process of mapping the message class of a particular message to the class identifier of the form server for that message, and of locating the form for that message in the appropriate form container. Form resolution determines which piece of code should be activated to manage interaction with a particular message.
form server
An application that manages a user's interaction with a form, for example responding to menu commands. Form servers implement the IMAPIForm : IUnknown, IMAPIFormAdviseSink : IUnknown, IMAPIFormFactory : IUnknown, and IPersistMessage : IUnknown interfaces, and can optionally implement the IMAPIViewAdviseSink : IUnknown interface. See also form viewer. For more information, see Developing MAPI Form Servers.
form viewer
A client application that is capable of launching a form. Form viewers implement the IMAPIMessageSite : IUnknown, IMAPIViewAdviseSink : IUnknown, and IMAPIViewContext : IUnknown interfaces. See also form server.
fuzzy level
A value that describes the degree of exactness or looseness desired when searching through a container for a target string. Lower levels of fuzziness indicate more exact matching. Higher levels return matches for more varied forms of the target string and usually require more execution time.