
The IMAPIMessageSite::CopyMessage method copies the current message to a folder.

Quick Info

See IMAPIMessageSite : IUnknown.

HRESULT CopyMessage(
  LPMAPIFOLDER pFolderDestination  


[in] Pointer to the folder where the message is copied.

Return Values

The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.
The operation is not supported by this message site.


Form objects call the IMAPIMessageSite::CopyMessage method to copy the current message to a new folder. CopyMessage does not change the message currently being displayed to the user, and no interface for the newly created message is returned to the form.

Notes to Implementers

A typical implementation of CopyMessage:

  1. Creates the new message the current message is copied to.
  2. Calls the IPersistMessage::Save method with a pointer to the new message in the pMessage parameter and FALSE in the fSameAsLoad parameter.
  3. Calls the IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted method passing NULL for its pMessage parameter.
  4. Calls the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method on the new message.

For a list of interfaces related to form servers, see MAPI Form Interfaces.

See Also

IMAPIProp::SaveChanges, IPersistMessage::Save, IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted