IMAPIMessageSite : IUnknown

The IMAPIMessageSite interface manipulates messages and is implemented by the form viewer code—typically a client application—that responds to such manipulation.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Message site objects
Implemented by: Form viewers
Called by: Form objects
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIMessageSite

Vtable Order

GetSession Returns the MAPI session in which the current message was created or opened.
GetStore Returns the message store containing the current message, if such a store exists. GetStore will return NULL for messages that are embedded in another message.
GetFolder Returns the folder in which the current message was created or opened, if such a folder exists. GetFolder will return NULL for messages that are embedded in another message.
GetMessage Returns the current message.
GetFormManager Returns a form manager interface, which a form server can use to launch another form server.
NewMessage Creates a new message.
CopyMessage Copies the current message to a folder.
MoveMessage Moves the current message to a folder.
DeleteMessage Deletes the current message.
SaveMessage Requests that the current message be saved.
SubmitMessage Requests that the current message be submitted to the MAPI spooler for delivery.
GetSiteStatus Returns information from a message site object about the message site's capabilities for the current message.