Error Dialog

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can use this modal dialog box to display an error message. More than one error dialog box is possible in one installation. The ErrorDialog property specifies which dialog box is used as an error dialog box. If this property is not set or does not point to a valid error dialog box, the error messages are not displayed, only logged with a warning about the missing error dialog box.

This dialog box must have the ErrorDialog style bit set. The dialog box must have a Text control named ErrorText. This control displays the text of the error message.

The dialog box is also authored with seven PushButtons. These buttons must specify the EndDialog control event in the ControlEvent Table with the following parameters: ErrorAbort, ErrorCancel, ErrorIgnore, ErrorNo, ErrorOk, ErrorRetry, ErrorYes.

You should author the buttons in approximately the same position. When the dialog box is created only a subset of these buttons is created, depending on the message, and the X coordinate of the buttons is modified so the displayed buttons are evenly spaced. The other three coordinates of the buttons are not changed. Since the buttons are rearranged, the author should make sure that no other control is placed in the same horizontal region of the dialog box as the buttons.

The error message can consist of three portions. The first portion is the text of the error message, and it is required.

The second portion is a list of letters, enclosed in curly braces, specifying the buttons to create. The letters are the first letters of the words abort, cancel, ignore, no, Ok, retry, yes. All the letters must be lowercase except the one that designates the default button. If this list of codes is missing or empty, it is assumed to be {O} and the OK button becomes default.

The third portion of the error message is optional. If present, this string is used as the title for the dialog box, overwriting the title entered in the Dialog Table. If this string is present the second portion must also be present to separate the part. (remember, the second part can be an empty list {}).

For an error dialog box, the FirstControl, DefaultControl, and CancelControl entries in the Dialog Table are ignored, and the default button specified by the message plays all three roles.