Local System Object

The Local System object manages information about the current computer and the local user.

The Local System object is instantiated with the INmManager::GetSysInfo method.

INmSysInfo Interface

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INmSysInfo Interface

This interface provides information about the current computer and local user.


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HRESULT GetLaunchInfo(
[out] INmConference **ppConference,
[out] INmMember **ppMember);

Retrieves information about how this application was launched, including the member who requested the launch and the current associated conference.

Pointer to a pointer to the INmConference Interface on the current active Conference object, if it still exists. This parameter will be set to NULL if the Conference object no longer exists.
Pointer to a pointer to the INmMember Interface on the Member object that requested the application be launched. This parameter can be set to NULL if the Member object is no longer in the conference.

An application launched on a remote node calling INmConference::LaunchRemote can use this method at any time.

If a remote system was used to launch this application, this method can be used to determine that Member object and Conference object.

For more information, see the tutorial.

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[in] REFGUID rguid,
[out] BSTR *pbstrApplication,
[out] BSTR *pbstrCommandLine,
[out] BSTR *pbstrDirectory);

Retrieves the settings for a locally registered NetMeeting application.

GUID (globally unique identifier) for the registered application.
Pointer to a string that contains the full path and file name for the application associated with the rguid parameter.
Pointer to a BSTR that contains the executable command line to be passed to the application associated with the rguid parameter.
Pointer to a BSTR that contains the current drive and directory for the child process. This string must be a full path and file name that includes a drive letter.

Use INmSysInfo::SetNmApp to register an application.

For more informaiton, see INmConference::LaunchRemote.

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HRESULT GetNmchCaps(
[out] ULONG *pchCaps);

Retrieves the channel capabilities of the local computer.

Pointer to a ULONG that contains information on the channel capabilities. Constants may include any combination of the following, or none, in which case NMCH_NULL is used.
NMCH_AUDIO Audio channel
NMCH_DATA Data channel
NMCH_FT File Transfer channel
NMCH_SHARE Shareable Application channel
NMCH_VIDEO Video channel

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HRESULT GetProperty(
[in] NM_SYSPROP uProp,
[out] BSTR *pbstrName);

Retrieves information about the Local System object.

NM_SYSPROP that identifies the system property type. Constants include:
NM_SYSPROP_RESOLVE_NAME Resolved name (server/e-mail).
NM_SYSPROP_FIRST_NAME User's first name.
NM_SYSPROP_LAST_NAME User's last name.
NM_SYSPROP_USER_COUNTRY Country (see the comments section for the two-letter country/region codes).
NM_SYSPROP_USER_NAME User's full name (combined first and last name).
NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY Can be one of the following:
NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY IP address of the H323 gateway.
NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY_ENABLE Indicates if the H323 gateway is enabled (pbstrName will be 0 if disabled or 1 if enabled).
NM_SYSPROP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY Path to the directory in which NetMeeting is installed.
NM_SYSPROP_APP_NAME Node controller name.
NM_SYSPROP_IS_RUNNING Determines if NetMeeting system is running (pbstrName will contain 0 if the NetMeeting system is not running or 1 if the NetMeeting system is running).
NM_SYSPROP_IN_CONFERENCE Determines if the local system is currently in a conference (pbstrName will contain 0 if the local system is not in a conference or 1 if the local system is in a conference).
Pointer to a BSTR containing the local user property.

Also see INmSysInfo::SetProperty.

NetMeeting uses the following two-letter country/region codes for NM_SYSPROP_USER_COUNTRY.
AF Afghanistan
AL Albania
DZ Algeria
AD Andorra
AO Angola
AG Antigua And Barbuda
AR Argentina
AM Armenia
AU Australia
AT Austria
AZ Azerbaijan
BS Bahamas
BH Bahrain
BD Bangladesh
BB Barbados
BY Belarus
BE Belgium
BZ Belize
BJ Benin
BT Bhutan
BO Bolivia
BA Bosnia And Herzegovina
BW Botswana
BR Brazil
BN Brunei Darussalam
BG Bulgaria
BF Burkina Faso
BI Burundi
KH Cambodia
CM Cameroon
CA Canada
CV Cape Verde
CF Central African Republic
TD Chad
CL Chile
CN China
CO Colombia
KM Comoros
CG Congo
CR Costa Rica
CI Cote d'Ivoire
HR Croatia
CU Cuba
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DK Denmark
DJ Djibouti
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
EC Ecuador
EG Egypt
SV El Salvador
GQ Equatorial Guinea
ER Eritrea
EE Estonia
ET Ethiopia
FJ Fiji
FI Finland
FR France
GA Gabon
GM Gambia, Republic of The
GE Georgia
DE Germany
GH Ghana
GR Greece
GD Grenada
GT Guatemala
GN Guinea
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HT Haiti
HN Honduras
HU Hungary
IS Iceland
IN India
ID Indonesia
IR Iran
IQ Iraq
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IT Italy
JM Jamaica
JP Japan
JO Jordan
KZ Kazakhstan
KE Kenya
KI Kiribati
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KR Korea, Republic of
KW Kuwait
KG Kyrgyzstan
LA Laos
LV Latvia
LB Lebanon
LS Lesotho
LR Liberia
LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
LI Liechtenstein
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
MK Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
MG Madagascar
MW Malawi
MY Malaysia
MV Maldives
ML Mali
MT Malta
MH Marshall Islands
MR Mauritania
MU Mauritius
MX Mexico
FM Micronesia, Federated States of
MD Moldova
MC Monaco
MN Mongolia
MA Morocco
MZ Mozambique
MM Myanmar
NA Namibia
NR Nauru
NP Nepal
NL Netherlands
NZ New Zealand
NI Nicaragua
NE Niger
NG Nigeria
NO Norway
OM Oman
PK Pakistan
PW Palau
PA Panama
PG Papua New Guinea
PY Paraguay
PE Peru
PH Philippines
PL Poland
PT Portugal
QA Qatar
RO Romania
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
KN Saint Kitts And Nevis
LC Saint Lucia
VC Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
SM San Marino
ST Sao Tome And Principe
SA Saudi Arabia
SN Senegal
SC Seychelles
SL Sierra Leone
SG Singapore
SK Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
SI Slovenia
SB Solomon Islands
SO Somalia
ZA South Africa
ES Spain
LK Sri Lanka
SD Sudan
SR Suriname
SZ Swaziland
SE Sweden
CH Switzerland
SY Syrian Arab Republic
TW Taiwan
TJ Tajikistan
TZ Tanzania, United Repulic of
TH Thailand
TG Togo
TO Tonga
TT Trinidad And Tobago
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TM Turkmenistan
TV Tuvalu
UG Uganda
UA Ukraine
AE United Arab Emirates
GB United Kingdom
US United States
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VU Vanuatu
VA Vatican City
VE Venezuela
VN Vietnam
EH Western Sahara
YE Yemen
YU Yugoslavia
ZR Zaire
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe

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HRESULT GetUserData(
[in] REFGUID rguid,
[out] BYTE **ppb,
[out] ULONG *pcb);

Retrieves the private data for the local user associated with a specific GUID.

This method is not yet implemented.

Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the data.
Pointer to a pointer to the data.
Pointer to a ULONG containing the size of the data.

Also see INmSysInfo::SetUserData.

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HRESULT IsInstalled(void);

Checks to see if NetMeeting is properly installed.

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[in] REFGUID rguid,
[in] BSTR bstrApplication,
[in] BSTR bstrCommandLine,
[in] BSTR bstrDirectory);

Registers a local application for remote launching by NetMeeting.

GUID (globally unique identifier) of the application.
Full path and file name of the module that will be started when there is an incoming request to launch the application associated with the rguid parameter. The bstrApplication parameter can be NULL. In that case, the module name must be the first white-space-delimited token in the bstrCommandLine string.
Command line to execute. This parameter can be NULL. In that case, the function uses the string pointed to by bstrApplication as the command line.
Current drive and directory for the child process. The string must be a full path and file name that includes a drive letter. If this parameter is NULL, the application is started with the same current drive and directory as the calling process.

If all of the bstr parameters are NULL, the entry is deleted from the registry.

For more information, see the tutorial.

For more information, see INmSysInfo::GetNmApp, INmConference::LaunchRemote

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HRESULT SetProperty(
[in] NM_SYSPROP uProp,
[in] BSTR bstrName);

Sets the property of the local user.

NM_SYSPROP that identifies the system property type. Constants include:
NM_SYSPROP_RESOLVE_NAME Resolved name (server/e-mail).
NM_SYSPROP_FIRST_NAME User's first name.
NM_SYSPROP_LAST_NAME User's last name.
NM_SYSPROP_USER_COUNTRY Country (see the comments section for the two-letter country/region codes).
NM_SYSPROP_USER_NAME User's full name (combined first and last name).
NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY Can be one of the following:
NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY IP address of the H323 gateway.
NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY_ENABLE Indicates if the H323 gateway is enabled (pbstrName will be 0 if disabled or 1 if enabled).
BSTR containing the corresponding property string value.

If you set the NM_SYSPROP_USER_NAME property before first-time initialization, it will be overwritten by the concatenation of NM_SYSPROP_FIRST_NAME and NM_SYSPROP_LAST_NAME. You can set the property after first-time initialization, and the setting will hold for subsequent initializations.

To set NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY to Personal, pass "1" in the BSTR . To set NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY to Business, pass " 2"in the BSTR . To set NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY to Adult, pass " 4"in the BSTR .

When running NetMeeting for the first time, a wizard appears to collect data from the new user. To prevent this for an application in No-UI mode (NM_INIT_CONTROL), the following set of system properties must be set using this method.


Also see INmSysInfo::GetProperty.

NetMeeting uses two-letter country/region codes for NM_SYSPROP_USER_COUNTRY.

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HRESULT SetUserData(
[in] REFGUID rguid,
[in] BYTE *pb,
[in] ULONG cb);

Sets information for the local user that is sent when placing a call and identifies this information with a unique GUID.

This method is not yet implemented.

Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the data.
Pointer to the data.
Size of the data that is pointed to by pb.

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Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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