The Channel object is used for general media channel manipulation. The Application Sharing, Audio, Data, File Transfer, and Video Channel objects inherit from the Channel object.
The INmConferenceNotify::ChannelChanged method will receive notification when a Channel object is instantiated.
INmChannel Interface |
INmChannelNotify Interface |
This interface is the base interface for all communication channel types, including audio, video, data, file transfer, and application sharing.
EnumMember |
GetConference |
GetInterface |
GetMemberCount |
GetNmch |
IsActive |
IsSameAs |
SetActive |
HRESULT EnumMember(
[out] IEnumNmMember **ppEnum);
Retrieves an instance of the enumerator for Member objects in this channel. The IEnumNmMember Interface methods can be used to manipulate this enumerator.
S_OK | Success. |
E_POINTER | The ppEnum pointer is invalid. |
E_FAIL | Internal resources are not available. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
HRESULT GetConference(
[out] INmConference **ppConference);
Retrieves the Conference object to which the channel belongs.
S_OK | Success. |
E_POINTER | The ppConference pointer is invalid. |
E_FAIL | An internal resource is not available. |
If this method returns S_OK, the application must call Release for the conference interface returned in ppConference.
HRESULT GetInterface(
[out] IID *piid);
Obtains the channel-specific interface identifier.
HRESULT GetMemberCount(
[out] ULONG * puCount);
Retrieves the current number of members in the channel.
S_OK | Success. |
E_POINTER | The puCount pointer is invalid. |
E_FAIL | Internal resources are not available. |
[out] ULONG *puCh);
Retrieves the channel type.
NMCH_AUDIO | Audio channel. |
NMCH_DATA | Data channel. |
NMCH_FT | File Transfer channel. |
NMCH_SHARE | Application Sharing channel. |
NMCH_VIDEO | Video channel. |
HRESULT IsActive(void);
Determines if the channel is active.
If a channel is inactive, it is not currently transmitting information.
The behavior of an active channel depends on the specific channel type.
The INmChannel::SetActive method can be used to change this state for some channels.
[in] INmChannel *pChannel);
Indicates whether two Channel objects represent the same channel.
S_OK | Both Channel objects represent the same channel. |
S_FALSE | The two Channel objects do not represent the same channel. |
E_POINTER | The pChannel pointer is invalid. |
HRESULT SetActive(
[in] BOOL fActive);
Sets the channel to active or inactive.
This method can only be used with the audio and video channels.
Applications must deactiveate all current audio channels before activating a new audio channel.
This is an event notification sink interface for the INmChannel interface. The methods in this interface are called by the Channel object when specific events occur.
These event sink methods should be defined and implemented by the client application to respond to notifications from a Channel object. For example, the INmChannelNotify::MemberChanged method is notified when a member of the channel is added, removed, or updated. The client application implementation of this method could provide a display to the user informing him or her of the addition, removal, or update of the specific member.
MemberChanged |
NmUI |
HRESULT MemberChanged(
[in] NM_MEMBER_NOTIFY uNotify,
[in] INmMember *pMember);
Receives notification that a member of the channel was added, removed, or updated.
NM_MEMBER_ADDED | A member was added to the conference. |
NM_MEMBER_REMOVED | A member was removed from the conference. |
NM_MEMBER_UPDATED | Information for a conference member was updated. |
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[in] CONFN uNotify);
Receives event notification when a channel change occurs. Only the application in charge (initialized with NM_INIT_CONTROL) of the NetMeeting user interface will receive these notifications.
This method will receive notifications only if the application succeeded in initializing with puOptions set to NM_INIT_CONTROL.
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Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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