Conference Manager Object

The Conference Manager object provides the following interface:

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This interface provides the following properties:

and the following methods:

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IConferenceManagerX Properties

This section describes the properties for the IConferenceManagerX interface.


HRESULT ConferenceCapabilities(
LONG *plConfCaps);

Indicates which types of conferences (audio, data, or video) are available on the local computer.

Field with one or more of the following bits set:
0x00 Not capable of conferencing.
0x01 Data conferencing.
0x02 Audio conferencing.
0x04 Video conferencing.

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HRESULT RemoteConference(
IConferenceX **ppConference);

Indicates the Conference from which an application was activated by a remote node. This Conference object should then be used to communicate with the remote node. The calling application should use the Conference object to communicate with the remote node.

Address to receive an instance of the Conference object.

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HRESULT Conferences(
IConferences **ppConferences);

Returns the collection of existing Conference objects. If there is a conference in progress, the person setting up the conference can choose to use that one instead of starting a new one.

Address of a collection of Conference objects.

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IConfUsers **ppUsers);

Indicates a collection of users who can become participants in a conference. It returns a pointer to a collection of existing User objects.

Address of a collection of User objects.

This method is not supported in the current version.

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HRESULT NullObject(
IDispatch **pIDispatch);

Indicates the IDispatch pointer set to null.

Address of the IDispatch pointer to be set to null.

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IConferenceManagerX Methods

This section describes the methods for the IConferenceManagerX interface.


HRESULT Initialize(
BSTR bstrID,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);

Activates the Conference Manager object and enables the calling application to register itself to the conference services.

Interface ID of the calling application (textual description of a globally unique identifier [GUID]).
TRUE if the conference was initialized successfully, or FALSE otherwise.

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HRESULT Uninitialize(void);

Release memory and other resources within the process to facilitate a subsequent call to Initialize. Must be called by scripts and Visual Basic® applications before the control is unloaded.

If the Initialize method has not yet been called, it is not necessary to call Uninitialize.

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HRESULT CreateConference(
BSTR bstrName,
LONG lConfCaps,
IConferenceX **ppConference);

Retrieves an instance of a new Conference object.

String for the conference name.
Bitmap for conferencing capabilities. See IConferenceManagerX::ConferenceCapabilities for a description of the values.
Address to receive an instance of the Conference object.

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HRESULT CreateUser(
BSTR bstrName,
LONG lType,
IConfUserX **ppUser);

Retrieves an instance of a new User object.

String for the user's name or address.
Constant that indicates the type of the user name/address. Can be one of the following values:
CNF_USER_IP The user name contains an IP address.
CNF_USER_MACHINENAME The user name contains a computer name.
CNF_USER_UNKNOWN The transport is unknown.
Address to receive an instance of the User object.

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HRESULT Advise(void);

Enables advisements (events) for the IConferenceManagerX interface.

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HRESULT Unadvise(void);

Disables advisements (events) for the IConferenceManagerX interface.

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This section describes the events fired by the control. All events are fired by the Conference Manager object.


void InvitedToConference(
IConfUserX *pUser,
IConferenceX *pConference);

Retrieves a pointer to the conference that the called application is being invited to join.

User who invited the local computer to the conference.
Instance of the Conference object.

This event is not supported in the current version.

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void ConferenceCreated(
IConferenceX *pConference);

Fires when a new conference is activated by other applications. The Conference object can be used as if it were activated by the client application.

Instance of the Conference object.

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void StateChanged(
IConferenceX *pConference,
LONG lConfState,
LONG hr);

Fires when the status of the conference has changed.

Instance of the Conference object.
State of the conference.
Result of the status change operation.

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void RequestToJoin(
IConferenceX *pConference,
IConfUserX *pUser);

Fires when a user has made a request to join a conference.

Instance of the Conference object to be joined.
Instance of the User object that wants to join the conference.

This event is not supported in the current version.

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void MemberChanged(
IConferenceX *pConference,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
LONG lNotify);

Fires when the member roster for the conference has changed (someone has joined or left the conference).

Instance of the Conference object.
Instance of the Member object that is added or removed from the conference.
Constant for the notification type. Can be one of the following values:
CNF_MEMB_ADDED The member is being added to the conference.
CNF_MEMB_REMOVED The member is being removed from the conference.
CNF_MEMB_UPDATED The member information is changed.

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void ChannelChanged(
IConferenceX *pConference,
IConfChannelX *pChannel,
LONG lNotify);

Fires when a channel has been added or removed from a conference.

Instance of the Conference object.
Instance of the Channel object that is added or removed from the conference
Constant for the notification type. Can be one of the following values:
CNF_CHAN_ADDED The channel is being added to the conference.
CNF_CHAN_REMOVED The channel is being removed from the conference.

This event is not supported in the current version.

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void DataSent(
IConfDataExchangeX *pDataExchange,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfDataTransferX *pDataTransfer,
LONG hr);

Fires when data has been sent, and indicates the result of the operation

Address of the ConfDataExchange object used to send the data.
Instance of the Member object that received the data. This parameter's value is NULL if the data was sent to all members.
IConfDataTransferX object.
Result of the data transfer.

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void DataReceived(
IConfDataExchangeX *pDataExchange,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfDataTransferX *pDataTransfer,
LONG hr);

Fires when data has been received.

Address to the ConfDataExchange object used to send the data
Instance of the Member object that sent the data.
IConfDataTransferX object.
Result of the data transfer.

The data buffer is valid only during the event notification, that is, the data buffer is freed by the source object after the event notification.

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void FileSent(
IConfFileExchangeX *pFileExchange,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfFileTransferX *pFileTransfer,
LONG hr);

Fires when a file has been sent.

Address of the File Exchange object that was used to send the file.
Instance of the Member object where the file is sent. Will be NULL if the file was sent to everyone.
Instance of the File Transfer Channel.
Result of the data transfer.

This event can be fired multiple times to get progress information from the ConfFileTransfer object.

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void FileReceived(
IConfFileExchangeX *pFileExchange,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfFileTransferX *pFileTransfer,
LONG hr);

Fires when a file has been received.

Address of the ConfFileExchange object that was used to receive the file.
Instance of the Member object where the file is received.
Instance of the File Transfer Channel.
Result of the data transfer.

This event can be fired multiple times to get progress information.

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void AppSharingStatusChanged(
IConfAppSharingX *pAppSharing,
IConfShareAppX *pShrApp,
LONG lAppStatus
LONG hr);

Fires when a sharable application becomes shared or unshared.

Address of the App Sharing channel.
Instance of the Sharable Application object.
Current sharing status. Can be one of the following values:
CNF_SHR_SHARED The application is shared.
CNF_SHR_UNSHARED The application is not shared.
Result of the application sharing operation.

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void AppControlStatusChanged(
IConfAppControlX *pAppControl,
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfApplicationX *pApplication,
LONG lAppStatus
LONG hr);

Fires when the remote instance of an application on a member's computer changes its status.

Address of the App Control channel.
Member object whose application instance is changing its status.
Instance of the Application object.
Current sharing status for application invocation. Can be one of the following values:
CNF_APP_STARTED The remote instance of the application is started.
CNF_APP_STOPPED The remote instance of the application is stopped.
CNF_APP_UNKNOWN The state of the remote instance of the application is unknown.
Result of the application sharing operation.

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Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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