The Channel object provides the following interfaces:
This interface provides the following properties:
and the following methods:
This section describes the properties for the IConfChannelX interface.
HRESULT Conference(
IConferenceX **ppConference);
Indicates the Conference object to which the channel belongs.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
HRESULT Interface(
BSTR *pbstrID);
Indicates a Channel-specific interface identifier.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
HRESULT Members(
IConfMembers **ppMembers);
Indicates a collection of Member objects that are currently enabled to use the channel.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
This property is not supported in the current version.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
IDispatch **ppObject);
Retrieves either a data exchange object, a file exchange object, an app control object, or an app sharing object, depending on the channel type.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
This section describes the methods for the IConfChannelX interface.
HRESULT IncludeMember(
IConfMemberX *pMember,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Enables a Member object to use the channel.
This method is not supported in the current version.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
HRESULT ExcludeMember(
IConfMemberX *pMember,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Prevents a Member object from using the channel.
This method is not supported in the current version.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
IConfChannelX *pConfChannel,
BOOLEAN *pfSame);
Indicates whether the two Channel objects represent the same channel.
Back to IConfChannelX Interface
This interface provides the following methods:
This section describes the methods for the IConfDataExchangeX interface.
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfApplicationX *pApplication,
LONG lOptions,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Sends a block of data bytes through the channel to a specified application on the specified member's computer. The buffer can be freed any time after calling this method.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
CNFF_SDOPT_NONE | No option is specified. |
Back to IConfDataExchangeX Interface
HRESULT Advise(void);
Enables advisements (events) for this object.
Back to IConfDataExchangeX Interface
HRESULT Unadvise(void);
Disables advisements (events) generated by the object.
Back to IConfDataExchangeX Interface
This interface provides the following properties:
and the following methods:
This section describes the property for the IConfFileExchangeX interface.
HRESULT GetReceiveFileDir(
BSTR *pbstrDir);
Gets the path of the directory where received files will be stored.
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
HRESULT SetReceiveFileDir(
BSTR strDir);
Sets the path of the directory where the received file will be stored on the local computer.
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
This section describes the methods for the IConfFileExchangeX interface.
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfApplicationX *pApplication,
BSTR bstrFile,
LONG lOptions,
IConfFileTransferX **ppFileTransfer);
Sends a file through the channel.
CNFF_SFOPT_NOCOMPRESS | The file should not be compressed. |
CNFF_SFOPT_NONE | No option is specified. |
CNFF_SFOPT_NOUI | The default progress dialog user interface should not be used. |
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
IConfFileTransferX *pFileTransfer,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Cancels the file being sent or received.
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
HRESULT Advise(void);
Enables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
HRESULT Unadvise(void);
Disables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfFileExchangeX Interface
This interface provides the following property:
and the following methods:
This section describes the property for the IConfAppSharingX interface.
HRESULT SharableApps(
IConfShareApps **ppSharableApps);
Retrieves a pointer to a collection of the Sharable Applications objects for the applications that can be shared.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConfAppSharingX Interface
This section describes the methods for the IConfAppSharingX interface.
HRESULT Advise(void);
Enables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfAppSharingX Interface
HRESULT Unadvise(void);
Disables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfAppSharingX Interface
This interface provides the following methods:
This section describes the methods for the IConfAppControlX interface.
HRESULT StartRemoteInstance(
IConfMemberX *pMember,
IConfApplicationX *pApplication,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Accepts an Application object and starts an instance of the application on the specified member's computer.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConfAppControlX Interface
HRESULT Advise(void);
Enables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfAppControlX Interface
HRESULT Unadvise(void);
Disables advisements (events) for this interface.
Back to IConfAppControlX Interface
Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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