ChangeUserProperty MethodChangeUserProperty Method*

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ChangeUserProperty Method

Asynchronously modifies a user property.


object.ChangeUserProperty UserPropertyName, NewUserProperty[, Nickname]


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to an MsChatPr control.
UserPropertyNameRequired. A string that must contain one of these two valid values: "Modes" or "Nickname".
NewUserPropertyRequired. A variant, the type of which depends on the new user property.
NicknameOptional. A variant. Can be omitted or empty, in which case the call concerns the control user. Otherwise, the Nickname must be a current server user.


This method can be used to change nicknames, user Modes, or ignore/stop ignoring other users. Callers can change only their own nickname or user modes.

A successful call to ChangeUserProperty results in an OnUserPropertyChanged event.

You cannot ignore a server system operator or administrator.


1. Change the nickname:

MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Nickname", "ElisabethH", "Moi"
MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Nickname", "ElisabethH"
    'This is equivalent to MsChatPr1.ChangeNickname "ElisabethH"

2. Become invisible:

MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Modes", umInvisible

3. Give up the system operator privileges and become visible:

MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Modes", umNotSysop + umNotInvisible

4. Ignore a user:

MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Modes", umClientIgnored, "Maja"

5. Stop ignoring a user:

MsChatPr1.ChangeUserProperty "Modes", umNotClientIgnored, "Maja"

See Also


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