OnUserPropertyChanged EventOnUserPropertyChanged Event*

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OnUserPropertyChanged Event

Fires when a user property changes.


object_OnUserPropertyChanged(ModifiedNickname, ModifierNickname, UserPropertyName, OldUserProperty, NewUserProperty)


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to an MsChatPr control.
ModifiedNicknameRequired. A string expression that contains the Nickname being modified.
ModifierNicknameRequired. A string expression that contains the Nickname of the modifier, or it can be empty.
UserPropertyNameRequired. A variant, the type of which depends on the user property name.
OldUserPropertyRequired. A variant, the type of which depends on the old user property.
NewUserPropertyRequired. A variant, the type of which depends on the new user property.


This event can occur after calling ChangeUserProperty or ChangeNickname, for example.

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