Pager Control StylesPager Control Styles*

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Pager Control Styles

The following window styles are used when creating pager controls.
PGS_AUTOSCROLL The pager control will scroll when the user hovers the mouse over one of the scroll buttons.
PGS_DRAGNDROP The contained window can be a drag-and-drop target. The pager control will automatically scroll if an item is dragged from outside the pager over one of the scroll buttons.
PGS_HORZ Creates a pager control that can be scrolled horizontally. This style and the PGS_VERT style are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined.
PGS_VERT Creates a pager control that can be scrolled vertically. This is the default direction if no direction style is specified. This style and the PGS_HORZ style are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined.

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