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The IHlinkFrame interface provides methods that allow a hyperlink frame to interpose itself in the navigation process to allow an application to provide a seamless user interface when navigating from one document/object/application to another when resolving a hyperlink.

Implementing IHlinkFrame

This interface is typically implemented by a document container object, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Office Binder. A document container implementing the IHlinkFrame interface can host documents that support in-frame navigation from one to another.

Using IHlinkFrame

You do not normally call the IHlinkFrame methods directly. They are referenced by the IHlink::Navigate routines when a hyperlink frame is detected.

IHlinkFrame Methods in Vtable Order

IHlinkFrame methods Description
GetBrowseContext Retrieves the browse context of the hyperlink frame.
Navigate Navigates to the target hyperlink.
OnNavigate Notifies the hyperlink frame of a hyperlink navigation.
SetBrowseContext Sets the browse context of the hyperlink frame.
UpdateHlink Updates the hyperlink frame.

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