Hit Logging APIHit Logging API*

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Hit Logging API

The Channel Definition Format (CDF) files allow content providers to determine which hits get logged for the items included in the CDF file. These logs are posted to the server during a scheduled update and cleared. This API allows developers to verify if hit logging is enabled and write customized entries in the log.

To use these functions, make sure the Urlmon.h header file is in the include directory, and the Urlmon.lib library file is in the library directory of the C/C++ compiler you use.

arrowy.gifAbout Logging



About Logging

The logs that are created contain the URL of the resource, the browsing context, whether the information was viewed from the cache, date viewed, time that the viewing started, duration it was viewed, and the custom information. Only the browsing context (normal browser window, theater view, Active Desktop Item, or Microsoft Internet Exporer screen saver) cannot be set by the WriteHitLogging function.

For more information about logging, see the Page-Hit Logging and Client-Side Logging sections in the Creating Active Channels documentation.

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