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HRESULT get_clear(
    BSTR *p

Retrieves the clear value, specifying whether the element allows floating elements on its left and/or right sides.

Address of a string variable that receives one of these values:
none No floating elements allowed.
left Floating elements allowed on the left side.
right Floating elements allowed on the right side.
both Floating elements allowed on both sides.

See also put_clear

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HRESULT put_clear(
    BSTR v

Sets the clear value, specifying whether the element allows floating elements on its left and/or right sides.

String specifying the clear value. Can be one of these values:
none No floating elements allowed.
left Floating elements allowed on the left side.
right Floating elements allowed on the right side.
both Floating elements allowed on both sides.

See also get_clear

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