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*Previous Topic: IHTMLFormElement::put_encoding
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HRESULT get_encoding(
    BSTR *p

Retrieves the mime-encoding for the form. This property corresponds to the HTML ENCTYPE= attribute.

Address of a variable that receives the mime-encoding. The default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Internet Explorer 4.0 also recognizes "multipart/form-data", which with a POST method is required to submit a file upload to the server

See also put_encoding

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HRESULT put_encoding(
    BSTR v

Sets the mime encoding for the form. This property corresponds to the HTML ENCTYPE= attribute.

String specifying the mime encoding. The default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Internet Explorer 4.0 also recognizes "multipart/form-data", which with a POST method is required to submit a file upload to the server

See also get_encoding

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