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HRESULT get_name(
    BSTR *p

Retrieves the name of the frame so it can be targeted from links in other documents.

Address of a variable that receives the window or frame name, or one of these values:
window_name String that specifies a frame.
_blank Loads the link into a new, unnamed window.
_parent Loads the link over the parent. If the frame has no parent, this refers to _self.
_self Replaces the page with the specified link.
_top Loads the link at the topmost level.

The name property on the window comes from the FRAME definition. There is no other way to persist a window name in HTML.

See also put_name

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HRESULT put_name(
    BSTR v

Sets the name of the frame so it can be targeted from links in other documents.

String specifying the name. Either a window name or frame can be specified, or one of the following values:
window_name String that specifies a frame.
_blank Loads the link into a new, unnamed window.
_parent Loads the link over the parent. If the frame has no parent, this refers to _self.
_self Replaces the page with the specified link.
_top Loads the link at the topmost level.

The name property on the window comes from the FRAME definition. There is no other way to persist a window name in HTML.

See also get_name

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