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HRESULT get_rel( 
    BSTR *p 

Retrieves the relationship(s) described by the hypertext link from the anchor to the target.

Address of a variable that receives the relationship(s). This parameter receives a comma-separated list of relationship values.

Values and their semantics will be registered by the HTML registration authority. The default relationship, if none other is given, is void. The rel property is used only when the href property is present.

See also put_rel

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HRESULT put_rel(
    BSTR v 

Specifies the relationship(s) described by the hypertext link from the anchor to the target.

String specifying the relationship(s). This parameter is a comma-separated list of relationship values.

Values and their semantics will be registered by the HTML registration authority. The default relationship, if none other is given, is void. The rel property is used only when the href property is present.

See also get_rel

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