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HRESULT get_type(
    BSTR *p 

Retrieves the string that represents the language that the current script was written in. The default language is JScript.

Address of a string that receives the language type. The possible scripting languages include the following:
JScript Specifies that the script is written in JScript.
Jscript Specifies the language as JScript.
vbs Specifies the language as VBScript.
vbscript Specifies that the script is written in VBScript.

This is an HTML 4.0 attribute and is equivalent to the language property.

See also put_type

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HRESULT put_type(
    BSTR v 

Indicates the type script of the scripting language as a string for the IHTMLScriptElement object. The contents of this script is read only, and can be modified only at design time.

String value specifying the script type.

See also get_type

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