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HRESULT get_rules(
    BSTR *p 

Retrieves which dividing lines are displayed (inner borders).

Address of a string variable that receives one of these values:
all Displays a border on all rows and columns.
cols Displays borders between all table columns.
groups Displays horizontal borders between all table groups. Groups are specified by the THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP elements.
none Removes all interior table borders.
rows Displays horizontal borders between all table rows.

See also put_rules

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HRESULT put_rules(
    BSTR v 

Specifies which dividing lines are displayed (inner borders).

String value specifying the dividing rules. Can be one of these values:
all Displays a border on all rows and columns.
cols Displays borders between all table columns.
groups Displays horizontal borders between all table groups. Groups are specified by the THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP elements.
none Removes all interior table borders.
rows Displays horizontal borders between all table rows.

See also get_rules

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