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HRESULT get_name(
    BSTR *p 

Retrieves the name of the TEXTAREA element.

Address of a string variable that receives the name.

The name is used to bind the value of the control when submitting a form. The name is not the value that is displayed in the entry field of the element. Submitting the form submits the internally stored value, not the one displayed.

JScript allows the name to be changed at run time. This does not change the name in the programming model, in the collection of elements, but does change the name used for submitting elements.

See also put_name

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HRESULT put_name(
    BSTR v 

Sets the name of the TEXTAREA element.

String specifying the name.

The name is used to bind the value of the element when submitting a form. The name is not the value that is displayed in the entry field of the element. Submitting the form submits the internally stored value, not the one displayed.

JScript allows the name to be changed at run time. This does not change the name in the programming model, in the collection of elements, but does change the name used for submitting elements.

See also get_name

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