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HRESULT get_readOnly(

Determines whether the element's contents are read-only, meaning that the user cannot enter or edit text in the control.

Address of a variable that receives TRUE if the element is read-only, or FALSE if not.

This is different than disabled. Read-only still allows the element to receive the focus, while disabled does not allow the element to receive the focus.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

See also put_readOnly

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HRESULT put_readOnly(

Specifies whether the element's contents are read-only, meaning that the user cannot enter or edit text in the control.

Read-only flag. TRUE sets the element to read-only; FALSE does not.

This is different than disabled. Read-only still allows the element to receive the focus, while disabled does not allow the element to receive the focus.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

See also get_readOnly

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