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HRESULT showModalDialog(
    BSTR dialog,
    VARIANT *varArgIn,
    VARIANT *varOptions,
    VARIANT *varArgOut

Displays an HTML dialog box.

String specifying the URL of the dialog box.
Address of a variable that contains programmer-defined arguments to pass into the dialog box.
String specifying the attributes of the dialog box. This parameter is a list of items separated by semicolons. Each item consists of an option and a value, separated by a colon (for example, "dialogWidth:200;dialogHeight:100"). The following table lists the supported options.

Attribute    Values    IE3/IE4 Description   
dialogWidth pixel IE3/IE4 Sets the width of the window, in pixels.
dialogHeight pixel IE3/IE4 Sets the height of the window, in pixels.
dialogTop pixel IE3/IE4 Sets the top position of the window, in pixels, relative to the desktop.
dialogLeft pixel IE3/IE4 Sets the left position of the window, in pixels, relative to the desktop.
center yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4. Centered relative to the desktop.
font font-family Not yet implemented in IE4.
font-size Not yet implemented in IE4.
font-weight Not yet implemented in IE4.
font-style Not yet implemented in IE4. Describes the font and font attributes. The syntax should look like CSS. For example, font:3;font-size:4. To define multiple font values, use multiple font attributes.
edgeStyle raised/sunken Not yet implemented in IE4. Sets the style of the window border.
borderSize thick/thin Not yet implemented in IE4. Sets the thickness of the window border.
help yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4. Determines whether the help icon appears in the title bar
min yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4. Determines whether the minimize button appears in the title bar.
max yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4. Determines whether the maximize button appears in the title bar.
system menu yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4. Determines whether the system menu is available from the border icon.
sync yes/no/1/0 Not yet implemented in IE4.

Address of a variable that receives a return value from the dialog box. For more information, see IHTMLDialog::put_returnValue and IHTMLDialog::get_returnValue.

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