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This interface provides access to the window object which represents an open window in the browser. You use the window object to retrieve information about the state of the window and to gain access to the document in the window, to the events that occur in the window, and to features of the browser that affect the window.

Typically, the browser creates one window object when it opens an HTML document. However, if a document defines one or more frames (that is, contains one or more FRAME or IFRAME tags), the browser creates one window object for the original document and one additional window object for each frame. These additional objects are child windows of the original window and can be affected by actions that occur in the original. For example, closing the original window causes all child windows to close. You can also create new windows (and corresponding window objects) by using methods such as open and showModalDialog.

IHTMLWindow2 Methods
get_frames   put_defaultStatus   get_defaultStatus  
put_status   get_status   setTimeout  
clearTimeout   alert   confirm  
prompt   get_Image   get_location  
get_history   close   put_opener  
get_opener   get_navigator   put_name  
get_name   get_parent   open  
get_self   get_top   get_window  
navigate   put_onfocus   get_onfocus  
put_onblur   get_onblur   put_onload  
get_onload   put_onbeforeunload   get_onbeforeunload  
put_onunload   get_onunload   put_onhelp  
get_onhelp   put_onerror   get_onerror  
put_onresize   get_onresize   put_onscroll  
get_onscroll   get_document   get_event  
get__newEnum   showModalDialog   showHelp  
get_screen   get_Option   focus  
get_closed   blur   scroll  
get_clientInformation   setInterval   clearInterval  
put_offscreenBuffering   get_offscreenBuffering   execScript  
toString   scrollBy   scrollTo  
moveTo   moveBy   resizeTo  
resizeBy   get_external  

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