The Web Publishing SPIThe Web Publishing SPI*

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*Previous Topic: WpPostFile
*Next Topic: WppBindToSite

The Web Publishing SPI

The Web Publishing SPI consists of the following methods.
Helper function Description
WppBindToSite Retrieves the address of an interface if the provider DLL owns the site name or the URL.
WppDeleteSite Deletes a configured site.
Interface method Description
AddWizardPages Allows the provider DLLs to plug pages into the wizard invoked by the WpPost function.
DeleteFile Deletes the specified file from the destination site.
FindClose Closes the specified search handle.
FindFirstFile Searches a directory for a file whose name matches the specified file name on the destination site.
FindNextFile Continues a file search from a previous call to the FindFirstFile method.
GetError Retrieves additional information about an error.
GetParam Retrieves a parameter value for this site.
GetSiteInfo Retrieves the site information for the current object.
NetworkConnect Connects to the Internet.
NetworkDisconnect Disconnects from the Internet.
PostFiles Posts files to the specified URL.
ServerLogin Logs the user on to the Internet server.
ServerLogout Logs the user out of the Internet server.
SetParam Sets the value of a parameter for a given site.
SetProgressUpdateProc Specifies the callback function.

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