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LONG WppBindToSite(
	[in]		HWND 	hwnd
	[in, string]	LPCTSTR 	wsSiteName
	[in, string]	LPCTSTR 	wsURL
	[in]		REFIID 	riid
	[in]		DWORD 	fdwFlags
	[in]		DWORD 	dwReserved
	[out]		PVOID *	ppvObj

Retrieves the address of an interface if the provider DLL owns the site name or the URL.

Handle of the window to which the focus returns when the wizard, if invoked, completes. This parameter can be NULL if the wizard is not invoked or if this function is called from a console application.
Optional. Address of a null-terminated string that contains an Internet site name.
Optional. Address of a null-terminated string that contains a URL.
Interface identifier. All providers should support the IID_IWPSiteinterface identifier. Provider implementations that implement IWPProvider should also support the IID_IWPProvider ID.
Action flags. Possible values are shown in the following table.
Value Meaning
WPF_FORCE_BIND The provider should not query the site to see whether it can post to it (that is, do not test whether the protocol used by the provider is supported by the server.)
Reserved, and must be set to zero (0).
Address of a variable to receive the interface address.

See a C++ sample provider template included with Web Publishing in the Internet Client SDK.

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