ADO Field Object

The ADO Field object represents a column of data with a common data type. Each Field object corresponds to a column in a Recordset object.

The following Field object methods, properties, and collections are supported by the current version of the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM:

Name Comment
AppendChunk method Appends data to a large text or binary data Field object.
GetChunk method Returns all or portions of the contents of a large text or binary data Field object.
ActualSize property The actual length of a field's value.
Attributes property One or more characteristics supported for a given Field object.
DefinedSize property The defined size of a Field object.
Name property The name of the Field object.
NumericScale property The scale of numeric values in a Field object for numeric data.
OriginalValue property The value of a Field object that existed in the record before changes were made.
Precision property The degree of precision for numeric values in a Field object for numeric data.
Type property The operational type or data type for a Field object.
UnderLyingValue property The current value of a Field object.
Value property The value assigned to a Field object in a Recordset
Properties collection Collections of properties on the field.