Negotiable Link Roles

The following figure shows the sequence of messages for a peer connection where both the local and remote ends are configured as negotiable. Since the remote node identifier is larger (numerically) than the local node identifier, the remote station will become primary.

local node identifier = 0x05D11111
remote node identifier = 0x05D22222

In summary, here are the rules that the SNALink must follow when supporting XID exchange, and in particular XID role negotiation:

If the local node detects an error during role negotiation, such as both PUs configured as primary, it sends out an XID containing an error vector. The vector is appended to the end of the normal XID data. The vector number specified is 0x22, and the vector data specifies that the DLC role field is in error. Refer to the SNA Formats Help file for details of the XID formats and error vectors.

After sending the error XID, the local node sends a Close(LINK) message to terminate the connection (see Closing a Connection).

The following figure is a matrix of the possible combinations of station link roles and shows the eventual role of the local station.

Local Station
Primary Secondary Negotiable
Remote Primary Fail Secondary Secondary
Station Secondary Primary Fail Primary
Negotiable Primary Secondary Either*

*The station with the higher node identifier becomes the primary.