DhHTMLGenerator Methods

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DhHTMLGenerator Methods

Methods Description
addAttrString Adds an attribute inside the current tag's less-than (<) and greater-than (>) characters.

addEnclosingTag Adds an enclosing tag around the current tag.

addInnerTag Adds an inner tag inside the current tag, but encloses its contents.

addStyleString Adds an attribute inside the current tag's STYLE attribute.

generateHTML Generates browser-targeted HTML for the specified DhElement.

getAttributeValue Retrieves the value of a specified attribute.

getContent Retrieves the current content string, which is the string between the HTML start and end tags.

getNameKey Retrieves the integer key associated with the specified name.

getStyleValue Retrieves the value of a specified style.

getSupportsCSS Retrieves target's ability to support cascading style sheets.

getSupportsOM Retrieves the target's ability to support the Document Object Model.

getTagName Retreives the tag name for the current generation.

onAttrGenerate Invokes a callback for each attribute.

onStyleGenerate Invokes a callback for each style-attribute pair.

onTagGenerate Invokes a callback with the default name for the current tag.

registerName Associates an integer value with a style or attribute name or tag.

setContent Replaces the current content, destroying any existing content.

setFormatItems Sets the delimiter items.

setSupportsCSS Specifies whether the target browser supports style sheets.

setSupportsOM Specifies whether the target browser supports an object model.

setTagName Replaces the current tag name with the new value.