
Overview | Methods | Fields | This Package | All Packages


Associates an integer value with a style or attribute name or tag.


protected boolean registerName( String strName, int key )



The tag, attribute name, or style name.


The key you want to associate with that value. It cannot be -1 because this is what is passed to these functions when the key is not registered.

Return Value

Returns true if the name was successfully registered, or returns false if -1 is used or the key is already assigned to another name.


If registered, you will receive this value with the name in calls to onTagGenerate, onAttrGenerate, and onStyleGenerate. Registering a key allows you to avoid string comparison in your handler functions.

The following is an example of this method:

 public class MyHTMLGenerator{
     public final static TAG_BR = 0;
     public final static TAG_DIV = 1;	 
     public MyHTMLGenerator(){
        registerName( "BR", TAG_BR );
        registerName( "DIV", TAG_DIV );

    // ...

    public boolean onTagGenerate( int key, String strTagName ){
        switch ( key ){
           case TAG_BR:
           case TAG_DIV:
              setTagName( "P" );
              return false;
        return true;