UpDown Methods

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UpDown Methods

Constructors Description
UpDown Creates an UpDown control.

Methods Description
addOnUpDownChanged Assigns a delegate to the upDownChanged event.

addOnValueChanged Assigns a delegate to the valueChanged event.

decrement Decreases the value of the up-down control by the default amount (the amount specified by the increment field of the first UpDownAcceleration object in the array returned by the getAcceleration method).

getAcceleration Retrieves information about how quickly the value of the up-down control changes when the user clicks the up and down arrows in the control.

getAlignment Retrieves a value indicating how the up-down control is positioned relative to its buddy control.

getAutoBuddy Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control automatically uses the previous control in the tab order as its buddy control (the control that displays the value of the up-down control).

getAutoSize Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control automatically adjusts its size to fit the size of its buddy control.

getBuddyControl Retrieves the buddy control for the up-down control (the control that displays the value of the up-down control).

getHorizontal Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control's arrows point to the left and right instead of up and down.

getInterceptArrowKeys Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to increment and decrement the value of the up-down control.

getMaximum Retrieves the upper limit for the value of the up-down control.

getMinimum Retrieves the lower limit for the value of the up-down control.

getModifyBuddy Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether text displayed in the buddy control of the up-down control changes to match the value of the up-down control.

getRadix Retrieves a value indicating whether the buddy control for the up-down control displays numbers in decimal or hexadecimal digits.

getThousandsSeparator Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a thousands separator is inserted between every three decimal places.

getValue Retrieves the value of the up-down control.

getWrap Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the up-down control "wraps" back to the minimum value when the user increments the value of the control past the maximum value and "wraps" back to the maximum value when the user decrements the value of the control past the minimum value.

increment Increases the value of the up-down control by the default amount (the amount specified by the increment field of the first UpDownAcceleration object in the array returned by the getAcceleration method).

onUpDownChanged Triggers the upDownChanged event.

onValueChanged Triggers the valueChanged event.

removeOnUpDownChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the upDownChanged event.

removeOnValueChanged Removes the delegate that is assigned to the valueChanged event.

setAcceleration Sets how quickly the value of the up-down control changes when the user clicks the up and down arrows in the control.

setAlignment Sets a value indicating how the up-down control is positioned relative to its buddy control.

setAutoBuddy Sets a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control automatically uses the previous control in the tab order as its buddy control (the control that displays the value of the up-down control).

setAutoSize Sets a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control automatically adjusts its size to fit the size of its buddy control.

setBuddyControl Sets the buddy control for the up-down control (the control that displays the value of the up-down control).

setHorizontal Sets a boolean value indicating whether the up-down control's arrows point to the left and right instead of up and down.

setInterceptArrowKeys Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to increment and decrement the value of the up-down control.

setMaximum Sets the upper limit for the value of the up-down control.

setMinimum Sets the lower limit for the value of the up-down control.

setModifyBuddy Sets a boolean value indicating whether text displayed in the buddy control of the up-down control changes to match the value of the up-down control.

setRadix Sets a value indicating whether the buddy control for the up-down control displays numbers in decimal or hexadecimal digits.

setThousandsSeparator Sets a boolean value indicating whether a thousands separator is inserted between every three decimal places.

setValue Sets the value of the up-down control.

setWrap Sets a boolean value indicating whether the value of the up-down control "wraps" back to the minimum value when the user increments the value of the control past the maximum value and "wraps" back to the maximum value when the user decrements the value of the control past the minimum value.