Registering as a Permanent Consumer

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

To register to receive an event notification, permanent consumers must create at least one of each of the following instances:

The event consumer instance, also known as the logical consumer, belongs to a class that is derived from the __EventConsumer system class. The logical consumer class provides data to be used by the physical consumer (sink) processing the notification.

The event filter is an instance of the __EventFilter system class and it contains the query that defines the type of event to be delivered and the conditions under which it is delivered.

The binding is an instance of the __FilterToConsumerBinding system class and specifies a relationship between a particular logical consumer and a particular event filter.

Users can create an unlimited number of logical consumers, event filters, and bindings.Because WBEM defines separate consumer, filter, and binding instances, permanent consumers can:

To remove a registration, a user deletes the binding that represents it.