CAsyncSocket Member Functions

CAsyncSocket Constructs a CAsyncSocket object.
Create Creates a socket.
Attach Attaches a SOCKET handle to a CAsyncSocket object.
Detach Detaches a socket handle from a CAsyncSocket object.
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CasyncSocket object, given a SOCKET handle.
GetPeerName Gets the address of the peer socket to which the socket is connected.
GetSockName Gets the local name for a socket.
GetSockOpt Retrieves a socket option.
SetSockOpt Sets a socket option.
Accept Accepts a connection on the socket.
Bind Associates a local address with the socket.
Close Closes the socket.
Connect Establishes a connection to a peer socket.
IOCtl Controls the mode of the socket.
Listen Establishes a socket to listen for incoming connection requests.
Receive Receives data from the socket.
ReceiveFrom Receives a datagram and stores the source address.
Send Sends data to a connected socket.
SendTo Sends data to a specific destination.
ShutDown Disables Send and/or Receive calls on the socket.
Overridable Notification Functions
OnAccept Notifies a listening socket that it can accept pending connection requests by calling Accept.
OnClose Notifies a socket that the socket connected to it has closed.
OnConnect Notifies a connecting socket that the connection attempt is complete, whether successfully or in error.
OnOutOfBandData Notifies a receiving socket that there is out-of-band data to be read on the socket, usually an urgent message.
OnReceive Notifies a listening socket that there is data to be retrieved by calling Receive.
OnSend Notifies a socket that it can send data by calling Send.

See Also

CAsyncSocket Overview, CAsyncSocket Data Members, Windows Sockets Classes