
This member function is called by the framework to notify the receiving socket that the sending socket has out-of-band data to send. Out-of-band data is a logically independent channel that is associated with each pair of connected sockets of type SOCK_STREAM. The channel is generally used to send urgent data. Override this member function if you want to do some special processing.


virtual void OnOutOfBandData( int nErrorCode );

At a Glance

Header file: Afxsock.h
Versions: 2.0 and later
Complete documentation Visual C++ documentation

See Also

CAsyncSocket Overview, CAsyncSocket Member Functions, Windows Sockets Classes, CAsyncSocket::OnAccept, CAsyncSocket::OnClose, CAsyncSocket::OnConnect, CAsyncSocket::OnReceive, CAsyncSocket::OnSend, ::GetLastError