Processing Multiple Files

To process multiple files use the Batch Process feature. Depending on your settings in the Batch Process dialog, Paint Shop Pro can make copies of original files, convert and then save the copies in the output folder you select..

To use the Batch Process feature:

  1. Open the Batch Process dialog by choosing File > Batch > Pro­cess.

  2. Click the Browse button (located in the Batch Process dialog's upper right corner) to open the Select Files dialog. Use the Select Files dialog to navigate to the folder containing the source (original) files.

  3. Click the files you want to process. Note that you can Shift-click to select adjacent files, or Ctrl-click to select non-adjacent files.

  4. When you've chosen the files to process, click Select. In the Batch Process dialog, the files you chose will appear in the Files to process list.

  5. Use the Script section of the dialog if you want to run a script on all the files during the conversion. To make the script list active, mark the Use Script check box. You can then choose the desired script from the list. Mark the Run script in silent mode check box to ensure the script runs in this mode.

Note: If you do not want to apply a script to the files, make sure the Use Script option is not marked.

  1. In the Save Mode section of the dialog, choose one of the following options:

  2. New Type: This is the most basic option, requiring only that a new output type be set in the Type field of the Save Options group box. You can also choose to run a script with this Save Mode. This option will: a) read in the file, b) run the script (if defined) against the file, c) save the file to its new location and/or name, and d) convert it to the new file format. With this option selected, all Save Options group box settings will be available.

  3. Copy: This option requires that a script is defined in the Script group box. This option will: a) read in the file, b) run the script against the file, and c) save the file to a new location and/or name. With this option selected, the Type field and Options button of the Save Options group box will be disabled.

  4. Overwrite: This option requires that a script is defined in the Script group box. This option will: a) read in the file, b) run the script against the file, and c) save the file to its original location (the original file is overwritten). With this option selected, all Save Options group box settings are disabled.

  5. Obey Script: This option requires that a script is defined in the Script group box. This option will: a) read in the file, and b) run the script against the file. With this option selected, all Save Options group box settings are disabled.

Note: Since no save is performed, you should only use the Obey Script option when you know the script performs a save. If not, this option will not have any effect.

  1. In the Save Options section of the dialog, you can set the following (as men­tioned above, your Save Mode setting affects what is available here):

  2. Click the Type drop-down list to select a new file format. If a format has save options, the Options button is accessible. Click it to open the Save Options dialog. Select the format options and click OK to return to the Batch Process dialog.

  3. Unless you specify another output folder, Paint Shop Pro saves the converted files in the same folder as the source files. Optionally, you can designate another output (destination) folder for the new files by typing a path in the Folder field, or by clicking the Browse button next to this field and navigating to another folder.

  4. You also have the option of renaming the converted files. To do so, click Modify to open the Modify Filename Format dialog. The Rename Options list displays the choices for renaming your files. Select an option and click Add to move it into the Included list. Choose from the following options:

  5. Custom Text When you choose this option, the program dis­plays a Custom text field below the Included list. In this field type the text you want applied to the converted files.

  6. Date The current date is added to the name.

  7. Document Name Include the original name in the new name, but also allows for case changes (upper, lower, etc.).

  8. Sequence The position of a file in the renaming process is added to each file.

  9. Time The current time is added to the name.

  10. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you wish to rearrange the Rename options you've included.

A preview of the new file naming scheme appears at the bottom of the dialog. Click OK to close the Modify Filename Format dialog and return to the Batch Process dialog.

  1. To stop the conversion process if Paint Shop Pro encounters an error, mark the Stop on error check box. If you don’t select it, the program processes all the images without stopping. The error messages appear in a Batch Conversion Status dialog.

Note: If you will be overwriting files during processing, particu­larly many files, you may want to leave this box unchecked to avoid having to confirm the overwriting of each file.

  1. Click Start.

The Batch Progress dialog opens, and the batch conversion starts. The Current Step pane displays each filename and whether it is con­verted, while the Job Progress bar indicates the conversion progress. To stop the conversion, click Abort.

During the conversion, Paint Shop Pro might open other dialogs requesting more information if you have selected Meta, PostScript, Photo-CD, or RAW files.

After the files have been converted, either click OK to close the dia­log, or click Save Log to save the progress messages to a text file. Clicking Save Log opens the Save As dialog. Type a name for the file and click Save. Paint Shop Pro saves the information with a .log file extension.

Related Topics

Scripting Basics

Recording and Saving a Script

Running a Saved Script

Stopping or Undoing a Script

About Restricted Script Mode

Editing Scripts Using Paint Shop Pro

Editing Scripts Via the Text Editor

Using and Creating Presets

Renaming Multiple Files