Renaming Multiple Files

To rename multiple files, use the Batch Rename feature.

To use the Batch Rename feature:

  1. Open the Batch Rename dialog by choosing File > Batch > Rename.

  2. Click the Browse button (located in the Batch Rename dialog's upper right corner) to open the Select Files dialog. Use the Select Files dialog to navigate to the folder containing the source (original) files.

  3. Click the files you want to rename. Note that you can Shift-click to select adjacent files, or Ctrl-click to select non-adjacent files.

  4. When you've chosen the files to rename, click Select. In the Batch Rename dialog, the files you chose will appear in the Files to rename list.

  5. To define a new name for the files, click Modify to open the Mod­ify Filename Format dialog. The Rename Options list displays the choices for renaming your files. Select an option and click Add to move it into the Included list. Choose from the following options:

  6. Custom Text When you choose this option, the program dis­plays a Custom text field below the Included list. In this field type the text you want applied to the converted files.

  7. Date The current date is added to the name.

  8. Document Name Include the original name in the new name, but also allows for case changes (upper, lower, etc.).

  9. Sequence The numerical position of a file in the renaming process is added to each file.

  10. Time The current time is added to the name.

  11. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you wish to rearrange the Rename options you've included.

A preview of the new file naming scheme appears at the bottom of the dialog. Click OK to close the Modify Filename Format dialog and return to the Batch Rename dialog.

  1. Optionally, you can stop the renaming process if Paint Shop Pro encounters an error by marking the Stop on error check box. If you don’t select it, the program renames all files without stopping.

  2. Click Start.

Note: To verify the files have been renamed as desired, browse to the folder.

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