Common actions that need to be performed in order to further edit an image can be automated.
For example, you can only apply effects to 16-bit images. However, most of the Effects menu items are active even if the active image is 8-bit. When you select an effect in an 8-bit image, the Auto Actions dialog opens telling you Paint Shop Pro must convert the image to 16-bit to proceed with the effect.
To set the preferences for an Auto Action:
Select an Auto Action from the Auto Action Prompt list and do one of the following:
Choose one of these options for each action:
Never Prevents the action from happening. Choosing Never will make certain menu commands inactive if an Auto Action is required to complete the command. Note that some items in the list do not have this option available.
Always Performs the action silently (without prompting you).
Prompt Asks if you want to perform the action.
Set all the actions in the list to a certain option by clicking Always All, Never All, or Prompt All.
Reset all the actions in the list to the program’s default settings by clicking Reset.
Display and Caching Preferences
Transparency and Shading Preferences