Browser Preferences

The Browser tab controls the appearance and operation of the Browser.

To set Browser preferences:

  1. In the Thumbnail Size group box, enter values (in pixels) for the thumbnail size the Browser dis­plays. The size range is from 50 to 150 pixels. Clear the Symmet­ric check box to adjust thumbnail width and height independently.

  2. In the Appearance group box, choose an option:

  1. Clear the Display tooltips over thumbnails check box to hide the image information that appears when the cursor is over thumb­nails.

  2. Clear the Save browser files to disk check box to stop the Browser from creating a cache file in folders you browse. By default, when you view a folder using the Browser, Paint Shop Pro saves a file called pspbrwse.jbf in that folder. This cache file allows you to view the thumbnails more quickly the next time you browse the folder.

  3. Mark the Automatically update the thumbnails check box to automatically update a folder’s cache file every time the folder is browsed. When you view a folder with the Browser, the Browser displays the contents of the folder’s cache file. If you make changes to the images in the folder, the thumbnails will not show the results unless the cache file is updated.

  4. Click the File Format Exclusions button (located in the lower right corner of the Browser preferences tab) to display a dialog allowing you to exclude selected file formats from appearing in the browser. See Excluding File Types from Browsing for more information.

Related Topics

Excluding File Types from Browsing

Undo Preferences

View Preferences

Display and Caching Preferences

Palettes Preferences

Units Preferences

Transparency and Shading Preferences

Warnings Preferences

Photo Sharing Preferences

Auto Action Preferences

Miscellaneous Preferences