About Objects

Vector objects are created with the Pen, Rectangle, Ellipse, Symmetric Shape, and Preset Shape tools. Use the Preset Shape tool to create standard shapes (circles, squares, and stars). Or, create your own custom shapes using the Pen tool. Both tools can create raster or vector objects. For overview information on vector and raster data, see About Raster and Vector Graphics. The Text tool can also create vector objects. For more information, see About Vector, Floating, and Selection Text.

Raster Objects When you use the Preset Shapes or Pen tool to draw raster objects, you are really painting on a raster layer. Even though you create a raster object in the same way as a vector object, your finished shape is not a vector object. Once the shape is complete, it becomes pixels on a layer. You can only edit the pixels with raster editing tools.

Note: You can only draw raster objects on raster layers. If you try to draw a raster object on a vector layer, Paint Shop Pro will create a new raster layer for your object.

Vector Objects When you use the Preset Shapes or Pen tool to draw vector objects, you are creating objects that can be edited later. A vector object’s properties (outline color, fill color, size, location and more) can all be easily changed over and over. You can also edit the paths, con­tours, line segments, and nodes that make up vector objects.

Note: You can only draw vector objects on vector layers. If you try to draw a vector object on a raster layer, Paint Shop Pro will create a new vector layer for your object.

Related Topics

Drawing and Editing Objects

Drawing Lines and Custom Shapes

Editing Vector Object Properties

Grouping and Ungrouping Vector Objects