Editing Vector Object Properties

Drawing lines and shapes as vector objects gives you the flexibility of editing them after they are drawn.

Note: All of the commands in the Objects menu appear in a context menu that opens when you right-click on objects, contours, or nodes.

Selecting vector objects: Use the Object Selection tool to select vector objects. Hold down Shift to select multiple vector objects. For more information, see Selecting Vector Objects.

To delete a vector object:

  1. Select the vector object to delete. Note: To delete one object within a group, you must click its name on the Layers palette.

  2. Press the Delete key or choose Edit > Clear.

To edit the colors and materials of vector objects:

  1. Select the vector object(s) you want to edit.

  2. On the Materials palette, choose a new foreground or background color or material. The background color controls an object’s fill color. The foreground color controls an object’s line color. For more information, see Using the Materials Palette.

Editing Vector Object Properties

Vector properties include the basics of vector objects such as line width, line style, and anti-aliasing. You can also change the name of the object (as it appears on the Layers palette) and change whether the object is visible or not.

To edit vector properties:

Object editing tip: You can also edit a vector object’s properties by selecting the object and choosing the Pen tool. Changing the settings in the Tool Options palette will modify the selected object.

  1. Select the vector object(s) you want to edit.

  2. Click Properties on the Tool Options palette or choose Objects > Properties to open the Property dialog. Note: You can also open the dialog by double-clicking the object’s name on the Layers palette.

  3. Choose the line options (stroke width, join, miter, line style, and anti-alias). For more information, see Drawing Objects.

  4. Choose Foreground/Stroke and Background/Fill properties settings:

  5. Stroke Clear the check box to choose no line. Mark the check box and pick a color from the color box to choose line color.

  6. Fill Clear the check box to choose no fill. Mark the check box and pick a color from the color box to choose fill color.

  1. In the Name field, change the name of the object as it appears on the Layers palette. If more than one object is selected, you must change their names using the Layers palette.

  2. To make the selected object(s) invisible or visible, clear or mark the Visible check box. (You can also do this by clicking the Visi­bility Toggle on the Layers palette.) Invisible objects are often used as paths for text.

  3. Click OK.

Change object names from the Layers palette: On the Layers palette, right-click the object name and choose Rename from the context menu.

Related Topics

Moving a Vector Object

Grouping and Ungrouping Vector Objects

Distributing Vector Objects

Positioning Vector Objects on the Canvas

Arranging Vector Object on the Canvas