The Caps group box in the Styled Lines dialog controls the end cap style of each segment in the line style. The settings are:
First Cap From the drop-down list, pick the style for the first segment in the line.
Size Click this button to open the Cap Size dialog and adjust the size of the end cap. To set and adjust height and width equally, select the Link axes check box.
Last Cap From the drop-down list, pick the style for the last segment in the line.
Different Segment Caps Mark this check box to create separate end caps for all the middle segments (dashes) in the line. Clear the check box to use the First Cap and Last Cap settings for each dash.
Segment Start From the drop-down list, pick the style for the beginning of each dash.
Segment End From the drop-down list, pick the style for the end of each dash.
Grouping and Ungrouping Vector Objects
Positioning Vector Objects on the Canvas
Arranging Vector Object on the Canvas