Loading Selections from Disk

Load a selection (with a .PspSelection extension) or image file that you have saved to a hard disk or removable disk. When you load an image, Paint Shop Pro creates a selection based on luminance, non-black pixels, or opacity.

To load a file or selection from disk:

  1. Choose Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection from Disk to open the Load Selection from Disk dialog.
    The Selection Files group box shows selections files in the default directory for selections. To change the default directory, click the Edit Paths button.

  2. Choose the selection file you want to load.

  3. In the Operation group box, select an option to determine whether to replace the selection or add to or subtract from it.

  4. With an image, decide what Paint Shop Pro creates the selection from the Create selection from group box.

  5. Click Load. The selection displays on the current layer.

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Saving Selections to Disk

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