Saving Selections to Alpha Channels

Save a selection to an alpha channel within the current image or within another image. An alpha channel is a data storage area in an image that holds selections and masks. Alpha channels are like secret compartments within a suitcase�use them to store things you may need later. Selections and masks stored in alpha channels have no effect on the look of an image. To use the stored selections or masks, load them into the same image or another image.

When you save the image to a file format other than .PspImage format, the alpha channels are not saved. Always keep a master copy of your image in .PspImage format.

To save a selection to an alpha channel:

  1. Make a selection in the image.

  2. Choose Selections > Load/Save Selections > Save Selection to Alpha Channel to open the Save Selection to Alpha Channel dialog.
    The Add to document drop-down list displays the image name and below it are the alpha channels in the image (if any).

  3. To save a selection to another image�s alpha channel, select the image name in the Add to document drop-down list. The image must be open in Paint Shop Pro.

  4. To edit the default name for the new alpha channel, type a new name in the Name edit box.

  5. To move the selection to the upper left corner of the image canvas, mark the Move to upper left of canvas check box. This option is helpful when the selection is larger than the current image and may not otherwise show up on the image.

  6. Click Save. The selection is saved to the alpha channel.

Related Topics

Saving Selections to Disk

Loading Selections from Alpha Channel

Loading Selections from Disk

Deleting Selections from Alpha Channels