Creating Raster Layers from Selections

Use the Selections > Promote to Layer command to promote a selection to a layer. Use the Selection, Freehand Selection, or Magic Wand tool to make a raster selection of raster data; for vector objects, make the selection with the Object Selector tool and then choose Selections > From vector Object command. The new layer created will be a raster layer. You can also copy a raster selection and paste it as a new layer.

How to start a new vector layer with a vector selection: Use the Object Selection tool to select one or more vector objects, choose Edit > Copy to copy the object(s), and then choose Edit > Paste > As New Layer.

To create a raster layer from a selection:

  1. Use the Selection, Freehand Selection, or Magic Wand tool to make a selection on the image.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Choose Selections > Promote to Layer the new layer is named Promoted Selection.

  4. Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selection, and then choose Edit > Paste > As New Layer the new layer is named Raster plus a number (Raster 1).

Cleaning up selection edges: When you promote a selection, some of the pixels surrounding the selection border may be included, especially when the selection is anti-aliased or feathered. Use the Matting commands to clean up the border by removing these pixels. To clean up a selection before you copy or promote it, see Cleaning Up the Edges of a Selection. To clean up a layer created from a selection, see Cleaning up the Edges of Layers Created from Selections.


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Creating New Layers

Duplicating Layers

Promoting a Background Layer to a Regular Raster Layer

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