Moving Layers within the Image Canvas

Use the Move tool to move the contents of an entire layer anywhere within the image canvas. If you move part of a layer off the canvas, Paint Shop Pro does not crop it. You can move it back to the canvas, or increase the canvas size to show the additional data.

Note: You cannot use the Move tool on the background layer. To move the contents of the background layer, promote it to a regular raster layer first. See Promoting a Background Layer to a Regular Raster Layer.

To move a layer within the image canvas:

  1. On the Layers palette, select the layer you want to move.

  2. On the Tools toolbar, click the Move tool .

  3. Click and drag in the image to move the layer to a new position.

To move a layer using the Smart Mover tool:

  1. On the Layers palette, select the layer you want to move.

  2. On the Tools toolbar, click the Move tool .

  3. To limit the Mover tool to the current layer, press and hold the Shift key while you click the image and drag the layer.

Where’s the layer? If you move a layer off the image canvas, you can no longer see it. To get the data back, press the Shift key while dragging it with the Mover tool or, increase the canvas size enough so that the layer appears. Move it to where you want, then decrease the canvas size again.


Related Topics

Arranging the Stacking Order of Layers

Merging Layers

Cleaning up the Edges of Layers Created from Selections

Deleting Layers or their Contents