Creating Text with Image Patterns

There are several ways to create text that is filled with an image:



How to do it

Fill text with a repeated image

Open the image you want to use to fill the text, click the Background Material box on the Materials palette, click the Pattern tab, and select the image from the drop-down list. Use this background material to create new vector or raster text, or to edit existing vector text.

For existing raster text, paint or fill the text with the background material.

Fill text with one image

Open a copy of the image. Create new text as a selection on the image (on the Text tool’s Tool Options palette's Create As drop-list, choose Selection). Then copy the selection to a new image.



Related Topics

About Vector Floating and Selection Text

Aligning and Spacing Text on Object Paths

Applying Effects to Text

Converting Text to Curves

Creating Text

Creating Text on Object Paths

Editing Text

Formatting Text

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Scaling and Transforming Text