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In a couple of instances you need to use the GetObject function:
If neither one of these two scenarios is applicable, you'd use the CreateObject function or the New keyword in a declaration statement.
The function GetObject has the syntax GetObject(pathname, class). The pathname argument specifies the pathname and filename of a file located on your computer or on a drive on your network. If the pathname isn't included in the filename, Visual Basic looks in the current folder of the application containing the code that's running the GetObject function. If pathname is omitted, the class argument is needed.
The class argument has the same syntax as the CreateObject function: ApplicationName.ObjectType. ApplicationName is the name of the application providing the object you want to create, and ObjectType is the type or class of object to create. If you specify the filename but not the class, Visual Basic determines which application to start and which object to activate based on the filename you provide.
The GetObject function is useful when you want to determine whether an application is already loaded. That way you can avoid loading a separate instance and perhaps confusing the user with multiple instances of an application.
Dim appWd As Word.Application |
On Error Resume Next Set appWd = GetObject(, "Word.Application") |
You add the line On Error Resume Next before the Set statement to tell Visual Basic that if an error occurs when it's running a line of code it should continue to the next line. If you omit the first argument, pathname, preceding the comma in the Set statement above from the GetObject function, as shown here, the function returns a currently active object of the specified class type. In this case, the class is the Word application. If no object of the specified type exists, an error occurs.
If appWd Is Nothing Then Set appWd = CreateObject("Word.Application") End If |
The Visual Basic keyword Nothing is used with object variables and indicates whether an object variable has been assigned to an actual object in memory. When you declare an object variable, Visual Basic sets it to Nothing until you set it to an object by using the Set statement. The declaration of an object variable as a specific type tells Visual Basic what type of object that variable can be set to. In the preceding If…Then condition, if you didn't set the object variable appWd in the GetObject function, appWd still isn't assigned to a valid object and is set to Nothing instead. This means that an existing instance of the Word application wasn't found and you have to create a new one by using the CreateObject function.
appWd.Visible = True |
Setting the Visible property of the Word Application object to True displays the Word application window on the screen.
When you use the GetObject function to start an application with a file that's already loaded, it's essentially the same as first using the CreateObject function to create an instance of an application, and then using an Open method of the document collection of the specific application to open the file. The GetObject function reduces the number of lines of code needed to do the same thing.
Dim m_wbBook1 As Excel.Workbook |
By adding a module-level declaration, you ensure that Excel won't automatically close the workbook that will be loaded by the GetObject function once you run all the lines of code in the procedure that you create in the next step.
Make sure you insert the new module into the project for the new document, not into the Normal project (Normal.dot). If you're not sure, open the Project Explorer window and see under which project the new module appears.
Set m_wbBook1 = GetObject("C:\Temp\Book1.xls") |
You use the Set statement to assign the object returned by GetObject (an Excel Workbook object) to the module-level object variable m_wbBook1. The pathname argument specified in the GetObject function above assumes you have correctly saved an Excel file named Book1.xls to drive C in the Temp subfolder. If you saved to a different file location the Excel file in step 1 of "Access an Existing Application" earlier in this chapter, make sure that the pathname argument in the GetObject function reflects the correct location.
If an instance of Excel is already running, the GetObject function used in the code accesses and loads only the specified file in that instance of Excel. If Excel isn't running, the GetObject function creates and loads the specified file in a new instance of Excel.
m_wbBook1.Windows(1).Visible = True m_wbBook1.Application.Visible = True |
When GetObject runs, it loads the Excel workbook invisibly. By default, each workbook contains at least one window. To make it visible, set its Visible property to True.