Property Sheet Creation

Before creating a property sheet, you must define one or more pages. This involves filling a PROPSHEETPAGE structure with information about the page � its icon, label, dialog box template, dialog box procedure, and so on � and then specifying the address of the structure in a call to the CreatePropertySheetPage function. The function returns a handle of the HPROPSHEETPAGE type that uniquely identifies the page.

To create a property sheet, you specify the address of a PROPSHEETHEADER structure in a call to the PropertySheet function. The structure defines the icon and title for the property sheet and also includes a pointer to an array of HPROPSHEETPAGE handles. When PropertySheet creates the property sheet, it includes the pages identified in the array. The order of the array determines the order of the pages in the property sheet.

Another way to create a property sheet is to specify an array of PROPSHEETPAGE structures instead of an array of HPROPSHEETPAGE handles. In this case, PropertySheet creates handles for the pages before adding them to the property sheet.

When a page is created, the dialog box procedure for the page receives a WM_INITDIALOG message. The message's lParam parameter points to the PROPSHEETPAGE structure used to create the page. The dialog box can save the information in the structure and use it later to modify the page.

PropertySheet automatically sets the size and initial position of a property sheet. The position is based on the position of the owner window, and the size is based on the largest page specified in the array of pages when the property sheet was created. If you want the pages to match the width of the four buttons at the bottom of the property sheet, set the width of the widest page to 190 dialog units.