Processes this node and its children using the supplied XSL Transformations (XSLT) style sheet and returns the resulting transformation in the supplied object.
oXMLDOMNode.transformNodeToObject(stylesheet, outputObject);
object, the document is built according to its properties and its child nodes are replaced during this transformation process. The XML transformation can also be sent to a stream.The following Microsoft® JScript® example sets up the new XML document object named result
before making the call to transformNodeToObject
<SCRIPT> // Load data. var source = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); source.async = false; source.load("data.xml"); if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) { var myErr = xmlDoc.parseError; alert("You have error " + myErr.reason); } else { // Load style sheet. var stylesheet = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); stylesheet.async = false; stylesheet.load("style.xsl"); if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) { var myErr = xmlDoc.parseError; alert("You have error " + myErr.reason); } else { // Set up the resulting document. var result = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); result.async = false; result.validateOnParse = true; // Parse results into a result DOM Document. source.transformNodeToObject(stylesheet, result); } } } </SCRIPT>
oXMLDOMNode.transformNodeToObject(stylesheet, outputObject)
object, the document is built according to its properties and its child nodes are replaced during this transformation process. The XML transformation can also be sent to a stream.The following Microsoft Visual Basic® example demonstrates the application of multiple style sheets to an XML file in succession.
Dim Source As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim stylesheet As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim stylesheet2 As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim result As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim result2 As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 ' Load data. Source.async = False Source.Load "sample.xml" If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Dim myErr Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason) Else ' Load style sheet. stylesheet.async = False stylesheet.Load "stylesheet1.xsl" If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Dim myErr Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason) Else ' Set up the resulting document. result.async = False result.validateOnParse = True result2.async = False result2.validateOnParse = True ' Parse results into a result DOM Document. Source.transformNodeToObject stylesheet, result stylesheet2.async = False stylesheet2.Load "stylesheet2.xsl" result.transformNodeToObject stylesheet2, result2 MsgBox result2.xml End If End If
File Name: Sample.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <COLLECTION dateCreated="01-04-2000"> <BOOK> <TITLE>Splish Splash</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Paula Thurman</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Scootney</PUBLISHER> <PRICE>250</PRICE> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>Lover Birds</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Cynthia Randall</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> <PRICE>200</PRICE> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>The Sundered Grail</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Eva Corets</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> <PRICE>100</PRICE> </BOOK> </COLLECTION>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <PriceList> <xsl:for-each select="COLLECTION/BOOK"> <xsl:sort select="TITLE" data-type="text"/> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:for-each> </PriceList> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates /> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> <LowPriceBooks> <xsl:for-each select="*/BOOK[not(PRICE >'220')]"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:for-each> </LowPriceBooks> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates /> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
Final Output
<?xml version="1.0"?> <LowPriceBooks><BOOK> <TITLE>The Sundered Grail</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Eva Corets</AUTHOR><PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> <PRICE>100</PRICE></BOOK><BOOK><TITLE>Lover Birds</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Cynthia Randall</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER><PRICE>200</PRICE> </BOOK></LowPriceBooks>
HRESULT transformNodeToObject( IXMLDOMNode *stylesheet, VARIANT outputObject);
, the document is built according to its properties and its child nodes are replaced during this transformation process. If the variant contains an IStream
interface, the XML transformation is sent to this stream.stylesheet
or outputObject
parameter is Null.This example sets up the new DOMDocument
object and puts it into a VARIANT before making the call to transformNodeToObject
// p is the XML source that is to be transformed, pXSL is the style sheet. // Create an empty DOM document for the result. (Error checking omitted // for brevity.) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument50, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&pDoc); hr = pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDisp); vObject.vt = VT_DISPATCH; // the new object vObject.pdispVal = pDisp; hr = p->transformNodeToObject(pXSL, vObject); // Transformation is // present in pDoc.
The stylesheet
parameter must be either a DOMDocument
node, in which case the document is assumed to be an XSLT style sheet, or a DOM node in the XSLT style sheet, in which case this node is treated as a standalone style sheet fragment.
The source node defines a context in which the style sheet operates, but navigation outside this scope is allowed. For example, a style sheet can use the id
function to access other parts of the document.
This method supports both standalone and embedded style sheets and also provides the ability to run a localized style sheet fragment against a particular source node.
The transformNodeToObject
method always generates a Unicode byte-order mark, which means it cannot be used in conjunction with other Active Server Pages (ASP) Response.Write
or Response.BinaryWrite
For more information about XSLT, see the XSLT Reference.
This member is an extension of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) DOM.
To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button in the upper-left corner of the page.
Using XSLT with DOM or SAX | id Function
Applies to: IXMLDOMAttribute | IXMLDOMCDATASection | IXMLDOMCharacterData | IXMLDOMComment | DOMDocument | IXMLDOMDocumentFragment | IXMLDOMDocumentType | IXMLDOMElement | IXMLDOMEntity | IXMLDOMEntityReference | IXMLDOMNode | IXMLDOMNotation | IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction | IXMLDOMText