Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XML Reference

IMXNamespaceManager Members


allowOverride Controls whether the declarePrefix() method allows duplicate prefixes in the local context.


declarePrefix Binds the namespace prefix with the namespace URI in the current context.
getDeclaredPrefix Returns the indexed prefix in the current context.
getPrefix Finds the indexed prefix associated with the provided URI.
getURI Returns the namespace URI for the provided prefix and DOM node.
popContext Pops local context from the top of the stack.
pushContext Pushes local context down the stack.
pushNodeContext Pushes local context down the stack, and creates a new local context that is defined by a DOM node.
reset Clears the stack of contexts, emptying the current context.



See Also

IMXNamespaceManager | IMXNamespacePrefixes